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2006 Warrior World Lacrosse Championships Looking

LONDON, Ont. – Organizers with the 2006 Warrior World Lacrosse Championships want you!

Volunteers are being recruited for a variety of positions including food and beverage services, security, game-day operations, security, media, transportation, ticket taking and many other opportunities. Over 300 volunteers will be on site working at the event.

Leading up the co-ordination of all volunteers is Brenda Trineer, who recently looked after the volunteer recruitment, training and scheduling at the 2005 Memorial Cup national major junior hockey tournament in London last May.

“Volunteering for an event of this size, it will be a lot of fun,” said Trineer, volunteer chair for the 2006 Warrior World Lacrosse Championships. “How many opportunities do you get to work at a world championship event? It’s a tremendous opportunity.”

Trineer noted there are many advantages to working at the event including valuable experience, a chance to see world-class lacrosse and networking opportunities.

“London events seem to go off without a bang and are memorable experiences,” added Trineer. “It’s going to be the event of the summer in Southwestern Ontario.”

High school students interesting in volunteering can earn volunteer hours towards their graduation through this event.

To sign up, complete the online application at and click on volunteers on the top toolbar.

Toronto Rock