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Reflections on the Main Event

Toronto – Toronto Rock Owner and President Jamie Dawick saw his World Series of Poker Main Event come to an end about an hour into Day 3 on Thursday in Las Vegas, Nevada.

After starting the day with 27,200 chips, his chip stack had diminished quickly and he found himself having to make a move.  With about 19,000 chips left in front of him at the table, he shoved everything into the middle with Ace-Nine of diamonds.  He found some action with the move, but also found himself behind immediately as he ran into Ace-Queen of hearts.

“The first card I saw was a Queen and I knew I was in trouble,” said Dawick. 

There was no help on the turn or the river as the board unfolded and Dawick was sent to the rail early on Day 3.

“I’m really happy with how I played, but I definitely suffered some tournament changing bad beats,” explained the veteran of the Main Event wars.  “The turning point for me was the end of Day 1, if the cards go my way there, it’s a different tournament for me.  That’s poker though.”

The lacrosse and poker world also got up close and personal with the Rock Owner through his twitter account, which he launched at the WSOP Main Event.

“I really appreciated all the support and enjoyed interacting with Rock fans as well as poker fans,” remarked Dawick.  “It was really nice to see a lot of Rock fans who didn’t follow poker before, jump on board and show their support.  It meant a lot, especially with the mental and physical grind of this event.”

Dawick took advantage of his Twitter page by confirming that the Rock had made a significant trade last week when he mentioned, “a new member of the family is coming.”

That tweet set the online lacrosse community on fire as speculation was all over the map as to who the Rock had made a deal with and who was on their way to the NLL Champions.

“Rock fans can come to expect that type of insider info as my focus shifts back to lacrosse,” said Dawick.  “Fans of the team will get breaking Rock news immediately by following me on Twitter.”

You can find Jamie Dawick on Twitter by following @JDawick.  In just over a week of tweeting, the Rock Owner’s Twitter followers have been on the rise every day.  You can also follow @TorontoRockLax, the official Twitter of the Toronto Rock, for Rock news and information as well.

As for future poker plans, Dawick will take a break from playing on the big stage but admits he’s caught the bug again after not playing a lot in the last year.  He will announce any future tournament entries via his Twitter and is currently having a look at how the poker schedule and lacrosse schedule mesh in the coming months.

Toronto Rock