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5 Questions With Latrell Harris

This week we put Latrell Harris in the hot seat.

Q1: How difficult has it been balancing school work (Latrell attends Brock University) with lacrosse? 

A. The support from the staff at Brock has been a big part of helping me balance my school with lacrosse.  They have made it very easy for me to focus on school.

Q2: Who’s the most serious guy on the team? 

A. My buddy Brad Kri. You better watch what you say around him, his chirps back are lethal.

Q3: If you weren’t a professional lacrosse player what would you be doing? 

A. I would be a chef or a personal trainer. I love experimenting, creating new dishes and I love the workout grind.

Q4: Why do you like pineapples so much? 

A. My friends and I had an amazing summer three years ago and pineapple was part of our theme. I have stuck with it ever since, it’s now a part of me wherever I go.

Q5: What is your favourite Toronto Rock memory from the past season ? 

A. My favourite memory has been all the veterans I have met on my journey so far. They have put me on the right path and most definitely help me with my game, especially playing against men. I’m so very thankful to be part of this organization and I can’t wait to see what the future brings!


Toronto Rock