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Fann Cup 2007

On July 27-29, 2007, three Ontario teams represented the Toronto area in the 6th annual Fann Cup in Hamburg, NY.

All three Ontario teams were successful this year: a second place finish, third place honours and one team just missing the playoffs.

The real winner of the 2007 Fann Cup was Carly’s Club, a division of the Roswell Park Cancer Institute Alliance Foundation. The one-day tournament raised over $7,500 for the charity.

The fans from Ontario would like to thank the Buffalo Brigade for hosting this year’s Fann Cup. Thanks also go to the teams from Rochester, Philadelphia, and Chicago for helping to make this annual tournament a success for various charities over the years.

Since 2002, the Fann Cup has raised nearly $40,000 for charities in the host cities.

Fans from the Toronto area can’t wait until 2008, when the Rochester Krewhawks get to host this great event.

For more information on this year’s Fann Cup visit

Toronto Rock